Application of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Shapes of Stories” in Social Media Marketing

Mary Wamuyu
6 min readAug 3, 2023
Social Media Management

Kurt Vonnegut’s “Shapes of Stories” is a concept that categorizes stories into various shapes based on their plot arcs. These shapes include simple ones like the “man in a hole,” “Cinderella,” and “boy meets girl,” as well as more complex structures. While the concept is primarily focused on storytelling in literature, it can be creatively applied to social media marketing to engage audiences effectively.

Here are some ways you can do that:

Identifying your target audience’s story preferences

To identify your target audience’s story preferences, you can do your research, run surveys and polls, and analyze your social media data. Once you have a better understanding of their preferences, you can create content that is more likely to resonate with them. This includes using the story shapes that they prefer, making sure your content is relevant to their interests, telling stories that are authentic and relatable, and using strong visuals and storytelling techniques. You can also pay attention to the language, images, and music that your target audience uses to get a better understanding of their story preferences.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use the story shapes that your audience prefers.
  • Make sure your content is relevant to your audience’s interests.
  • Tell stories that are authentic and relatable.
  • Use strong visuals and storytelling techniques.
  • Pay attention to the language they use.
  • Look at the images they share.
  • Listen to the music they listen to.

Creating content that follows a clear narrative arc

When creating content for social media, it is important to follow a clear narrative arc. This means that your content should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning of your content should introduce the characters and the setting, and the middle should develop the conflict and the character’s journey. The end of your content should resolve the conflict and leave the audience with a satisfying conclusion.

Vonnegut’s story shapes can be a helpful way to create content that follows a clear narrative arc. Each story shape has a different structure, but they all follow the same basic pattern of beginning, middle, and end. For example, the Man in Hole story shape begins with a character who is in a difficult situation. The middle of the story shows the character trying to escape from their situation, and the end of the story shows the character either succeeding or failing.

By using Vonnegut’s story shapes, you can create content that is more engaging and memorable for your audience. Your audience will be more likely to follow your story and be invested in the outcome if it has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Here are some more tips to create content that follows a clear narrative arc:

  • Start with a strong hook. The first few sentences of your content should grab the audience’s attention and make them want to keep reading.
  • Develop the conflict. The conflict is the central problem that the characters in your story are trying to solve. Make sure that the conflict is clear and that it is something that the audience can relate to.
  • Show, don’t tell. Instead of telling the audience what is happening, show them through the actions of the characters and the setting. This will make your story more engaging and immersive.
  • End with a satisfying conclusion. The conclusion of your story should resolve the conflict and leave the audience feeling satisfied.

Using storytelling to build relationships with your audience.

Stories are a powerful way to build relationships with your audience. When you share stories about your brand, your products, or your customers, you are giving your audience a glimpse into your world and helping them to connect with you on a deeper level.

Some benefits of using storytelling to build relationships with your audience include:

  • It helps you to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Stories can tap into our emotions, such as empathy, sympathy, and joy. This helps us to connect with the characters in the story and feel like we understand them.
  • It helps you to build trust with your audience. When you share stories about your brand, you are showing your audience that you are transparent and that you are willing to share your experiences with them. This can help to build trust and credibility.
  • It helps you to humanize your brand. Stories can help to show your audience that your brand is more than just a product or service. It is made up of real people who have real stories to tell. This can help to make your brand more relatable and likable.
  • It helps you to create a sense of community. Stories can help to bring people together and create a sense of community. When people share stories, they are sharing their experiences and their emotions. This can help to create a sense of connection and belonging.

If you want to build relationships with your audience, using storytelling is a powerful tool. By sharing stories about your brand, your products, or your customers, you can connect with your audience on an emotional level, build trust, humanize your brand, and create a sense of community.

Some tips

  • Tell authentic stories. Your audience can tell when you are being genuine, so make sure that your stories are authentic and relatable.
  • Focus on the human element. Stories are most powerful when they are about people. Focus on the people in your stories and show how they are affected by the events that are unfolding.
  • Use clear and concise language. Your stories should be easy to understand and follow. Use clear and concise language that will keep your audience engaged.
  • End with a call to action. What do you want your audience to do after they have read your story? Tell them what you want them to do and make it easy for them to take action.

Using storytelling to drive sales.

Stories can also be used to drive sales. When you tell a story about how your product or service has helped someone, you are providing social proof that can help to convince others to buy from you.

Here are some of the benefits of using storytelling to drive sales:

  • It can help to increase brand awareness. When you tell stories about your brand, you are giving your audience a glimpse into your world and helping them to understand what you do. This can help to increase brand awareness and make your brand more memorable.
  • It can help to build trust and credibility. When you tell stories about how your product or service has helped people, you are providing social proof that can help to build trust and credibility. This can make people more likely to buy from you.
  • It can help to create a sense of urgency. When you tell stories about how people have missed out on opportunities because they didn’t act quickly, you can create a sense of urgency that can motivate people to buy from you.
  • It can help to personalize the sales process. When you tell stories about your customers, you are showing your audience that you understand their needs and that you care about their success. This can help to personalize the sales process and make it more likely that people will buy from you.

If you want to drive sales, using storytelling is a powerful tool. By telling stories about your products, your services, and your customers, you can increase brand awareness, build trust and credibility, create a sense of urgency, and personalize the sales process.

